Rocket French Review

Released on = February 14, 2007, 1:56 pm

Press Release Author = Stephen Pearce

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Is it Really Possible To Speak Fluent French In 3 Months?
Rocket French Claims it is.

Press Release Body = Is it Really Possible To Speak Fluent French In 3 Months?
Rocket French Claims it is.
Aspiring French students from all over the globe are scurrying to get hold of
\"Rocket French\", which is now officially the best-selling French language course

Marie-Claire Rivière, the developer of Rocket French, shows through her interactive
program how anyone can speak french naturally and confidently in 3 months or less.
Marie-Claire is able to back up her claims through her daily flow of positive
testimonials regarding her course.

Henry Jaskell of Bath, UK, says of Rocket French, \"Hi Marie-Claire, I had a great
time on my vacation to France and much of it was because I felt comfortable
conversing with the locals. You always hear about how the French people love to hear
tourists try to speak French and I made a whole pile of French friends by doing just
that. Thanks again!\"

Rocket French student, Lisa Davis from Jamaica has this to say:
\"I think Rocket French is a very good program. I would recommend it to anyone who
wants to learn French and learn it fast because it's a very easy-to-use program and
it's very fun.\"

Rocket French is designed so you can achieve the following in less than 3 months:
-feel more comfortable and confident around French speaking people,
-be able to read books, magazines and web sites written in French,
-be able to write to and email French speaking people,
-be able to watch and understand French movies,
-or you simply want to become exceptional at French for any other reason...

The Rocket French course is designed to make learning fun by making learning
interactive with various games and enjoyable exercises. The course contains 45 two
hour step-by-step French Lessons (supported by over 3,000 audio files) organized
within a high quality software application.

It is designed to take anyone from beginner to advanced in less than 3 months. And
because Rocket French is a downloadable product you get a fully comprehensive
product at a fraction of the price.

According to Marie-Claire, to speak natural French you need to be able to practice
French conversations with fluent speakers which her course provides via her
interactive course.

You can purchase the course directly from her website that you can download and
begin using immediately. The main benefit from using the course is it supports all
users from beginners to the advanced.

To find out more or to buy \"Rocket French\"visit
Web Site =

Contact Details = 29 Tring Avenue
W5 3QD
ph: 02089936175

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